Thursday, February 23, 2012

In a inter racial and inter religion relationship?

im in a 4 yr LDR and interracial, inter religion kind of relationship. he is hindu and knowing of their arranged marriages and stuff.... parents disapprove and even relatives. im catholic. we want to make this work but prob is my bf is confused what to do.

if you were me, what would you do.In a inter racial and inter religion relationship?I would end the relationship.What religion would you raise your kids while confusing the crap out of them?

Who would benefit from the drama caused by relatives who did not like you or relatives who do not like your husband?

Most kids raised in a marriage like this turn out to join some obscure religious cult or turn atheist.In a inter racial and inter religion relationship?I am a little biased as I am Follouer of Jesus Chist and believe following another 'person' for my religious direction is a problem. You will have to change to LDS as I am sure he will not changed to Catholic. The hardest will he on any children you have. They willl be pulled in two directions and it will cause a real conflict between you two unless you ALL practice one religion.In a inter racial and inter religion relationship?Dump him, cause his family will always win.In a inter racial and inter religion relationship?
that relationship is going nowhere except into the dumpster

his parents will make you the family slave

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