Sunday, February 26, 2012

How do you feel about inter racial relationships?

Be honest if your for it or against it but try to keep it clean or somewhat politically correct.How do you feel about inter racial relationships?People have always and will always choose with whom they have and the type of relationship. The question is not how we feel about it, rather, how we adapt to it. It is in our nature to differentiate in order to make sense of things. Things that are different than us can be either classified as either a threat or not. This is a basic fight or flight condition that is programmed into our being.

Many people fear things that are different and many welcome those that are different than us as it may provide opportunities to learn and adapt to a ever-changing society. Inter-racial relationships are a fact of life in our diverse communities. Regardless of how segregated anyone attempts to homogenize a community, diversity and change will remain a constant threat.

Why not learn from it? Why not embrace it? Are we this insecure about our own existence that we have to destroy anything and or anyone that is different than us?How do you feel about inter racial relationships?
I pitty the fool...How do you feel about inter racial relationships?I don't understand why it's such a big deal. People are people regardless of their race. I don't have a problem with it.
I say whatever makes you happy.

maybe those who are in interracial relationships can help set the example that it's possible for two different races to be loving and'll be their children who put an end to racism.How do you feel about inter racial relationships?They can be difficult because of cultural differences. But what relationships are not difficult? You work hard for anything that is worth having. Nothing wrong with inter-racial relationships.How do you feel about inter racial relationships?
Works for me.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work for everybody, which means they are bound to be harassed.
For it, as long as the relationship is based on each individual's inner qualities. Quite honestly, we're all descended from the humans who originated in Africa.How do you feel about inter racial relationships?
I feel everyone should have the equal opportunity to have bad relationships just like the rest of whether your bad relationship is with a male, female, black, white, ect., go ahead. If you're willing to put up with that person through all their complaining and stupidity, congratulations!
I'm for any two people who want to be together, regardless of race, culture, skin color or sexuality. Love has no bounds!
Honestly it doesn't bother me one way or the other. I think it's up to the people involved. But I do believe that inter racial relationships can one day help to ease racial tensions.
i don't care...really. whatever makes you happy.
I've had a few and am working on one now. Wish me luck, he's wayyyyyy above my league!
If I stuck to my own race because of my location I'd be dating a relative and that to me is really freaking weird. Race has never been an issue for me.
I am for it.

My hottest girlfriend was a black girl.
I don't have a problem with with whoever who want to be with...

are you talkin about humans and aliens?

if it's between humans, it's all inside the human race so it's not really inter racial.
There totally fine with me, love doesn't discriminate...

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