Monday, February 20, 2012

If we ban gay marriage, why not ban interracial marriage and inter-religious marriage?

Slippery slopes can work both ways.If we ban gay marriage, why not ban interracial marriage and inter-religious marriage?Christian tried to keep interracial marriage illegal back when it was being debated in the 40s and 50s..

And they used a lot of the same arguments that they use now against gay marriage (It's unnatural, the bible forbids it, etc.) If anyone is wondering what parts of the bible "forbid" interracial marriage, the Christians of the 40s and 50s referenced Genesis 28:1 a lot.

The cycle of stupidity continuesIf we ban gay marriage, why not ban interracial marriage and inter-religious marriage?
And that, frankly, is the most convincing argument in your favor.

Actually, what I actually tend to favor is the abolition of "marriage" as a legal/political institution period. It should be replaced by the establishment of some sort of "civil domestic contract" which would treat "families" incorporated under such laws as a sort of domestic/household corporation for legal and business purposes.

Then, the state would not be seen as putting it's blessing on something many of it's citizens find immoral, such as homosexual/interracial/inter-religious marriage.

"Marriage" should be come a strictly religious institution.

For the record: I have no problem with interracial marriage.If we ban gay marriage, why not ban interracial marriage and inter-religious marriage?Because you're talking about two different 'things'. Bi-racial and mixing of religious belief systems is different than the sexes allowed to marry. Even the wording of your question indicates there is a difference.

Gay marriage automatically means two males or two females being joined together.

The other combinations are Meant to mean mixing races together or two different religious belief systems. They Could also include being a gay couple but That is Not part of Those equations.

God never stated that the others were an abomination to Him.
Gay marriage should not even be a frigging issue anymore. It's absolutely mind-boggling to know that some people are still treated as second-class citizens just because some people, religious nuts or otherwise, think that the "sanctity" of marriage is going to be destroyed if two people with the same parts in their pants get married.If we ban gay marriage, why not ban interracial marriage and inter-religious marriage?I still don't understand why two gay people would even consider making a covenant with God about a decision to spend the rest of their lives together, when they have no way of completing the marriage, the fulfillment of which is the two becoming one flesh. Why can't they just be happy having a ceremony, signing a contract and proving the sanctity of their love by example. They are like wingless airplanes, ever seeking to take off but never able to do so. Just have your relationship make good your life and have peace. Trying to engage in a covenant you can never fulfill is like buying a car with no wheels. Great, now what?If we ban gay marriage, why not ban interracial marriage and inter-religious marriage?
Read your Bible, Genesis Chapter 2, veer. 24 %26amp; 25. It says that man should leave his family and take a wife. A wife is a female for that is what God created from Adam. Two males or two females cannot reproduce, that is what marriage is for.
I'm not even a Christian but that comparison is just stupid.

Interracial is still man and woman, same with inter-cultural.

Their point is that they want same sex marriage to be illegal.If we ban gay marriage, why not ban interracial marriage and inter-religious marriage?
It's the 21st Century, I hate how people are still against gay marriage. It's ridiculous!

People should be able to marry whoever they want regardless of sex, religion, race or anything.
Because those marriages have already been established. Gay marriages have not, so it's easier to ban.
no they are marriage of one man and one woman god never banned interracial marriage and inter-religious marriage

he did ban same sex marriage
You forgot non-religious marriage, and marriage of people who are unable to reproduce

Why don't we just ban all marriage and be done with?
Because that goes against their right as human beings!

Because gays have no souls, therefore they are not humans or worthy of the rights of one!
Because us gays is terrfyin!
We caused 9/11, Gorge Bush, The extinction of the Dinosaurs, Glee, and the death of MLK. At least that is what i was told by some guy at FOX news.
Interracial (heterosexual) marriage is not immoral and they can make babies.
God does not condemn interracial marriage.
They should ban stupidity.
*Passes out popcorn*

This should be interesting...
While we're at it, let's just ban marriage all together and call it a day.
I agree. No one should get married!! (sarcasm if you can't read it. people should marry who ever they love as long as all are willing adults).
Just ban ALL marriage, then there won't be any problems.
Lets ban mankind. That's what will happen if the gay life style becomes the norm.
good question! while we're at it.. why dont we go raise taxes for everyone who doesnt read their bibles daily?

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