Thursday, February 23, 2012

What are the differences between the prefixes inter and intra?

for example intermolecular and intramolecularWhat are the differences between the prefixes inter and intra?intra is inside or within.. like intramolecular bonds are bonds within the molecule.. bonds that make up the molecule itself..

inter is between.. so intermolecular bonds are bonds between molecules..What are the differences between the prefixes inter and intra?
inter is between/across. intra is within.What are the differences between the prefixes inter and intra?inter - between : interscholastic; between schools

intra - within : intramural; within the walls of the schoolWhat are the differences between the prefixes inter and intra?
inter means between

intra means within

for example the internet is a worldwide connection of computers

and intranet is computers within one building/company that are connected - for example the computers in a school can all be linked -in fact the computers in many schools can all be linkedWhat are the differences between the prefixes inter and intra?Inter= between or among

Intra= inside or within

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